Live Life Lightly Blog

Intuition is like your inner GPS, guiding you toward your true path. It's that good feeling, spark of insight, or quiet whisper that tells you you're on the right track. When you tune into your intuition, it brings clarity, confidence, radiance and a deeper connection to your true self.
Have you ever felt like invisible barriers are holding you back from achieving true happiness and your fullest potential? I think we all have at some point. The trick is not to stay there forever!
Today, I want to introduce you to a transformative healing tool that I've had the privilege of...
I check in with my guides every morning and ask what they want me to know today. Sometimes it is brief and sometimes it is longer.
This is what came to me the other day...
"Nothing can harm you,..only your thoughts can bring you down.
Be wary of the energies you are bringing into your life...
I was chatting to a friend yesterday and describing the benefits of sessions of light language and soul realignment clearings and she said "it sounds like an energy spring clean". I was so impressed...what a perfect way to explain it.
Why would I want to spring clean my...
I was feeling stressed this morning, just a general state of unease. Probably about +3 or +4 on the FRED Scale, which is unusual for me but at least I was connected enough to my radiance not to be below zero.
I decided to take my time with my morning coffee and see where the energy went and...
"We are all the powerful creators of our own experience."
I say this endlessly. However, it is much easier to say than it is to follow through with. The drive to protect our families from harm is a powerful one but in the end we are doing them a disservice....the adult ones in any...
Everybody's world is an exact mirror of their thinking. This is a weird concept to get your head around but it it true. What we are seeing in the world, literally depends on how we are looking at it. We filter out so many of the things that are happening around us and only the...
Do you feel like you're gliding along on the surface but underneath your legs are paddling madly? What we show the world about our lives is rarely what is going on in our heads.
When I visit my mother in her nursing home, I make sure to turn up full of smiles and laughter. ...
I love cats, I love dogs, rabbits, gerbils, anything that is even slightly cute! We all know cats have minds of their own, they do things on their own terms and their sense of self worth is really high. As I see on Facebook memes - dogs have family, cats have staff!
Are your to do...
Being perfect and achieving seem to be very high values in the world today. We see all the people on Facebook or Instagram with perfect lives, people rarely post about the times things didn't work out or all the hours they put into everything looking perfect! It is all a point of...
Have you ever wanted life to be easier? Do you want to live with ease and flow? I think we all have at some point...we certainly never wish for it to be harder! Life is supposed to be fun, we are not here to get ourselves to death as safely as possible, we are here to experience...
"We are here to gather as many star memories as we can."
I heard this said on the Star Matrix summit this weekend and it really rang true for me. There was a study done on the survivors of a plane crash and they all said that when they thought they were going to die, it was all the...