Raindrops are falling on my head

It is winter in Ireland...lots of rain but we have a choice as to how to react to it. Last week, I was talking about asking yourself is something true before you believe it, well rain is obviously true but how we feel about it is a choice. I love the rain, I remember being a child and tucking up near a window (and a heater!) and reading and looking out at the rain. It was really comforting for me. I also love walking in it but only because I am lucky enough to have a warm home and a bath to go back to when I get cold and wet.
So I see rain as part of life and nothing more. I have very little attachment to it. It is such a great excuse to stay indoors and relax!
Attachment is always an issue. When we are attached to an outcome or when we want to control what is happening, that is when we get stressed. I am learning that in bucket loads at the moment. My son is away at college in California. For 21 years, he has been at home, in Dublin with us and I know what he is doing and where he is going. Now, I am very blessed as he texts us every day and calls a couple of times a week but I am struggling with the fact that I really have no clue what he is doing. I am learning to let go and to trust, but it is a constant battle with my mind to let go of the worry thoughts.
Of course, I am attached to him being safe and happy but I also know that he has to live his life and I want him to.
I am working through many of the techniques I have learned over the last few years. There are so many ways we can ease our stressful thoughts.
I posted a couple of short videos on Facebook with ways to let go of negative thoughts that are getting you down....
Picking them out of your energy field (sorry for the barking)
Have a look at them, they are easy to do and make a huge difference.
Photo by Joost Crop on Unsplash