Problems are a Sign of LIFE!

Hey, how are you?
I am planning a great week, this week. I have set my intentions for all to be well and for me to live easily and effortlessly to what ever comes my way.
My journalling this week
My main focus in the last few days in my journal was on the questions - What might stress me out today and how would the best version of myself respond to that stress?
I find this invaluable when I am starting my day. I have a look through my calendar and see what I am doing that may put me off track. The main one is visiting my mother in the nursing home. I never quite know what I will find when I get there, what her state of health and mind will be. As I ask myself what might stress me out, this is usually what comes to mind. I have a one or two word written answer to the second question but then I spend a couple of minutes seeing my visit as easy and setting the intention that I can deal with whatever happens with grace and ease and let it go so that it does not steal my joy for the rest of the day. I bring this back to my mind as I am on the way in to her and it is then so much easier to be kind and loving to her while I am there and kind and loving to myself afterwards.
Problems are a sign of life
Unfortunately this is a reality. We all have problems. Some are big, some are small. How you look at these changes depending on how you feel. Are your big problems really as big as you think? One of the tough questions we have to ask ourselves is - who does this problem make me? Have I had it so long that it is part of my identity? Who would I be if I did not have it any more? What would I do with all the time I have freed up by not dwelling on my problem?
Problems are also a way that we connect with other people. How many times have you sat down with a friend and discussed your problems? There is nothing wrong with this so long as you also discuss some solutions.
When I was talking to one of my coaches recently on a call I realised that I was letting one of my problems take over my life. As you may be a able to guess from the section above, it was to do with my mother. I was using her as an excuse not to do anything at all with my life. I thought I was doing a great job of looking after my thoughts in relation to her. We have had so many crises in the last year, I had not realised how much I was anticipating another one and living my life with that in mind.
It was only when I heard myself answering the questions I was being asked that I realised that I was completely stuck. In every section of my life that he was asking me about my reason for not starting was "My mother might get sick again and need me". I quickly dawned on me that I could not put my life on hold any longer.
Now I am moving forward, every day, doing something for me and my life even if I am only taking baby steps. It never ceases to amaze me how much of a difference that makes.
Remember to Live Life Lightly!
Photo by Hans-Peter Gauster on Unsplash