It is that time of year...setting goals, well outcomes actually!

I have a whole set of goals for this year but having listened to a Tony Robbins program all last week, I have decided they need to be outcomes rather than goals. What is the difference, I hear you ask? Well to me, a goal is something that I would like to aim for but it is out there in the future. It doesn't have a huge amount to do with my daily life. it is therefore much easier to put off!
An outcome however, feels like something I am actively working towards right now. I am a lot more likely to get an outcome... obviously, we all get outcomes all the time as everything we do has an outcome! The trick is to be aiming for an outcome you actually want to happen, rather than being led by your subconscious beliefs and thoughts or just letting life happen around you.
The most important thing to check, when you are setting an outcome is ...
Is this congruent with me?
We can often find ourselves with outcomes that we did not want. Sometimes it is because we have not sent an intention to start with so where we end up surprises us! Often it is because we picked an outcome out of obligation or to make someone else feel good. It is important to take the wishes of others into account but first, as I said, we need to this goal/outcome congruent with me? When I achieve it, will it resonate with who I am?
One of my outcomes for 2020 is actually to be me all the time. This is a lot more difficult than it sounds. It is easy to put on a mask anytime we are out of our comfort zone. I started this consciously last year. Any time I am meeting people or going out in the big, wide world, I ask myself who do I want to be?
Often you can find me outside in my car, before I go to an event, tapping on the qualities I want to embody. This works wonders. First, I relax from using the modern energy tapping technique and secondly it really empowers me to act like myself. Even one round of tapping on "Lucy" sets me up to look back at myself at the end of the day and be please with who I was!
I also tap before I talk to clients, friends, neighbours and particularly if I am doing a Facebook Live, otherwise who knows what will happen!
If you don't already know how to use modern energy tapping, check out my free mini course here and start to be your best self in minutes!
Also follow me on Facebook at Live Life Lightly for those amazing Facebook Live videos I mentioned!
Photo by Aziz Acharki on Unsplash