Give the gift of Gratitude

Last week, it seemed like Facebook was full of chat about acts of kindness. I loved seeing all the posts. I even made a video about the small thing I do that no one notices and why that is important too.
Here is the link, if you want to spend two minutes watching it!
Facebook video on acts of kindness
There is one other great thing we can do, which I love. We can give a gift of gratitude. It doesn't matter where the other person is or even if you know them, you can still give this gift.
So, start by thinking of someone who made a difference in your life. This can be someone who caused a major shift or someone who made you feel better for a minute. If you are having problems deciding, just put your hand on your heart and breathe. Feel that breathe coming in and out of your heart. Now that your brain and heart are more aligned, ask yourself "who am I grateful for, in this moment?", there is no right or wrong answer.
Now hold our your hands in front of you, as if you were holding a ball, about level with your heart. Imagine a bubble of energy in your hands. Close your eyes and feel the gratitude you have for this person and see it streaming into the sphere.
Does it have a colour, a smell? Is it heavy or light? Does it have a texture in your hands? It can be anyway you want it to be.
Now, once it is filled with your gratitude, lift it up and let it float away, across time and space to the other person.
Doesn't that feel good? Apart from the great feelings of giving a gift, this also helps me to clear my mind and bring some joy into my life.
Photo by Alfred Kenneally on Unsplash