Have you noticed your gate is open?

Have you ever watched McGyver? I was a teenage girl when it was on originally and I watched it because I thought he was cute! We have just started watching the new one. It is such fun, mostly as it is ridiculous how he gets out of crazy things that happen to him...using things around him that just happen to be there.
It is a great metaphor for life. We need to make the most of all the resources we have and the help we can ask for. As the saying goes...live like someone left the gate open! This always makes me think of my dog, Flapjack. If we leave the front door open and don't watch him, he is off like a shot. Mostly I think he is checking the neighbourhood for cats but he also just loves to run and smell everything. Unfortunately he has no road sense whatsoever so we have to watch him. It is great to see his sudden burst of energy, zest for life and excitement for what he might find when he thinks he might escape.
We can learn so much from dogs. His abundance of energy also goes with the abundance of love any one gets when the come to the house. If we all leaned in to our positive emotions and expressed them without fear life would be great. How many times recently have you jumped up and wagged your imaginary tail when you met someone? What reaction would you get? Give it a try...I do this pretty regularly, it's great fun!
Do you live in a world of excitement and possibilities? What emotions do you have regularly? I worked with a coach last year who made me take a couple of days and list all the emotions I felt. I resisted doing this for ages as I knew I would not like the answers but it was life changing when I did it.
Our emotions are the feedback mechanism from our bodies to show us how our thoughts are doing. Since our thoughts create our lives it is really important to take note of the emotions we are experiencing.
Think of it like this...first there are thoughts. These are just energy but as we think them we feel them in our bodies. Our bodies then create our emotions. If your emotions are good, it means you are thinking good thoughts and your energy is high. If you are having negative emotions, your energy and thinking are low. It is important not to judge this...what we resist persists! Easy flow of thoughts through your energy field is what we are looking for.
Here is a simple exercise to do when you notice you are having negative thoughts. Ask yourself, where do I feel this in my body? If you can breathe into that area and let any tension go, the negative emotions will flow away.
Then look at the positive...What emotions do you want to have more of in your life? Where do you feel this in your body? Breathe into that area and let the feeling grown and expand to fill your whole body.
Have fun with it, remember to smile and live life lightly!
Photo by Yuliya Kosolapova on Unsplash