The focus of your energy changes everything

Whatever we think about our lives, comes true. Our level of thinking comes directly from our energy levels. When our energy is high, out thinking is clearer and more positive but if our energy is low everything seems more difficult. I am sure you have experienced that.
When we have blocks in our energy it is more difficult to raise our energy. Energy is supposed to flow like water but sometimes it gets stuck. As one of my teachers recently said, we know when we have an energy block when we lose our sense of humour!
Imagine, you are sitting in a chair with your eyes closed. I come in and throw a glass of water at you. There are so many interpretations of this...
I could have tripped,
I could be really angry at you and the glass of water happened to be in my hand so I threw it at you,
I could have thought you looked very hot,
I could have been just having a bit of fun.
Regardless of my intent, you have a choice of how to respond, based on your beliefs and your energy level. If you believe I am actually trying to annoy you, you will get annoyed, If you believe it was a terrible mistake, you will shrug it off, if you believe I was playing you might throw one back at me!
Your belief can be right or wrong. You had your eyes closed so your response was all made up, in an instant, in your head. It is also depended on whether you have past experiences with water and what happened then.
But now think about your energy level too. The beliefs are there for sure but which one comes to mind depends on our energy level. If you have been having a great day, you are much more likely to reach a positive conclusion about what on earth I was doing. However, if your energy is lower you are going to assume I am out to get you, or some such nonsense! You have lost your sense of humour!
These blocks can be cleared and your energy raised in so many ways. The first part of this is always awareness. How am I responding? Is there another way to think about this?
You can also raise your energy really easily... Click here to check out this really quick video on my Facebook page to feel better right now and then click follow, if you don't already for lots of other energy raising tips.
Photo by Lanju Fotografie on Unsplash