My life changing discovery and how it will help you too

My big discovery for 2019 was that life is much better when my energy level is high. This sounds really obvious but when our energy level falls it may be hard to remember. I knew it already on a mental level but really got to experience it by the end of last year.
The trick is to have a list of energy raising activities so that if you find you are having any of the low energy symptoms you can do one of these.
How well we perform at anything depends on our energy levels. Think of a scale from -10 to +10. We use this a lot in the session of Your Tapping Transformation which goes deeply into my favourite energy raising technique. We can use the basic modern energy tapping that I teach for free but going into more detail can make such a difference.
Anyway, I will get back to my point...scale from -10 to +10. Where is your energy level right at this moment? If it is anything less than about +5 or ideally +7 you have some stress thinking going on. High stress and anxiety occur about -5, -2 gives us uncertainty and zero is nothing at all. Many of the charts we think about stop at zero. We are asked about pain levels from zero to 10 with zero being the best. I probably makes sense in that instance but for life, it is no way to live...what about all the positive emotions?
At the low positive numbers on our chart, we actually become more attractive! Our mind starts to open to new possibilities. At +5 we have the energy to take action and at higher than +7 we can be way more successful at anything we try to do.
So how did really knowing about this make a difference to me. As I said I knew this for years but last year I really started to put it into action. When I felt myself going down a spiral of negative thinking I did something about it.
As i sit here writing this my mind is torn. My son is leaving tomorrow for the US for 4 months and 5 days (not that I am counting, as I keep telling people). When my energy level is low, I could sit and cry for weeks about this. I am going to miss him like crazy. However, I am catching myself and actually doing something about it. I do some tapping or go for a walk or use any of the other techniques I have learned over the years. I can actually watch my thinking change. It is fascinating. Yes, I am still going to cry after he leaves me at the airport in the morning but that is just me. I have been known to cry when my husband leaves for a long day away!
The fabulous thing now is that I know what I can do to help myself. I also have experience of changing my energy level and watching my thinking change. I know when my energy is high that I am so happy for Matthew. He has worked so hard and as one of my friends told me, it is like Red Bull - I am giving him wings!
So spend some time this week, thinking about your energy level and the thinking you have that goes along with the different levels. What do you love to do? What will you do if you realise your energy level is low to bring it up and change the way you are thinking about your life?
A super thing to do is to book a FREE Mini Tapping Transformation session with me. I will guide you personally through learning to tap and answer all your questions.
Photo by Genessa Panainte on Unsplash