It is Criticism or is it Feedback and how do I decide?

Hey, how are you?
It is exam season here, so the stress levels are high! Sometimes I feel like it would be easier to do them myself than to watch my son get stressed. Luckily he is open to all that I teach, so he does his tapping and we have cleared some of his issues with a Soul Realignment Session. It is also great for me to know who he is on a soul level so it is easier to support him. Having said that, I am still stressed!
So, this led me to be feeling more sensitive for the last few days. I had a couple of instances where I ended up feeling rejected. I find it fascinating to be the observer of my life and see how every part of it affects the other parts.
I have been thinking about how I accept criticism/feedback. It is such an important life skill. Do my emotions come from the intent of the giver of the feedback or purely from my perception of them and what they are saying? Does it make a difference if they trigger me in some way or remind me of something that happened in the past? Or maybe it is a bit of both. Does it just depend on how I am feeling in the moment? Unfortunately I have not quite worked out the answer!
I went to visit my mother on Friday. For my entire life (or it certainly feels that way to me!) she has criticised my hair. Friday was one of those days. I rarely react any more. So, I was wondering, does she intend to be helpful? Is this actually a kindness that I am taking all wrong? I know she loves me, so she is unlikely to be being intentionally cruel, even if that is how I am receiving it.
Later that day, I had a session with one of my coaches. She was giving me feedback on the webpage for my new mini course. I was thrilled with what I had done but she took it apart, none the less, and improved it beyond belief. I was thrilled. She is amazing, and I value her opinion.
So this got me thinking, I know she was changing it for the better but even still, if I hadn't been in the right frame of mind, I could have been devastated. So was the difference in the two incidents from the intent of the person with the feedback or purely because of the way I was receiving it? It is all so confusing, we want people to be truthful with us but I guess we really want their intent to be pure and loving. I really want to be known for being honest and truthful but on the other hand I don't want to hurt anyones feelings.
I sent out the link to my FREE Marvellous Mornings Mini Course to a few trusted friends in the last few days. I got great feedback and was thrilled with myself. Then a few replied that they were not interested. I knew this before I sent it so why did it upset me so much? I took it personally, is the best answer I can think of. This was silly as I really appreciated the honesty. So, I did my modern energy tapping and let it go.
When I set my day up for success from the start, I am so much more likely to let comments that might hurt otherwise flow off me. It is so bad for us when we hold onto these things and let them stack up. We end up looking for proof that we are right and we find it everywhere. It stays in our energy field and literally blocks the flow of energy through our body.
My learnings from all of this...when someone says (or texts!) something you don't like, remember it is your choice how it is received. As with all of life, this is easier said than done but the more we let it go the less chance something equivalent will hurt us in the future.
Remember to Live Life Lightly
Love from
P.S. I'd love you to download my FREE Marvellous Mornings Mini Course , if you are interested and if you are not, that's ok too!
Photo by Wynand van Poortvliet on Unsplash