Charging ahead...

Have I been charging ahead, standing still or falling behind...I have been doing all of these in different areas of my life. How about you?
Do you see your future as bright and exciting or are you thinking of all the little steps you need to take to get there. One of the traps I fall into most easily is over planning. In my mind it seems like a great idea to write down all the things I need to do but then I get overwhelmed and find I am too tired just thinking about it to start!
A great example of this is eating well. I love to make a green juice every day. I am all about balance so the green juice balances the cookies and chocolate that I have too! Sometimes I go and make green juice...sometimes I sit and think about getting out all the fruit and vegetables, washing them, preparing them, juicing them, using my vitamix, adding ice, actually drinking it (this gets me, particularly in winter when the weather is cold, I am cold and the juice will be cold!). Then I have to clean the kitchen, the juicer, the glass and put away the rest of the vegetables carefully. It is no wonder, when I am in this frame of mind that we don't have juice!
Are there any tasks in your life that you are doing this too? When we add to many steps to achieving the goal we can ensure that we procrastinate.
Pay attention this week, if you find you are stopping yourself from doing something and see where you can streamline the process or if there is something you can do to to make it more fun. When I am overthinking making green juice, I often ask my husband to come and chat to me for a few minutes. This means that I am focused on our conversation and forget about all the stops that I am not doing automatically.
Next week, I will have some suggestions on how to set your goals and not get overwhelmed in the process.
Photo by Jeremy Lapak on Unsplash