Can you read your own label?

I am planning a great week, this week. I have set my intentions for all to be well and for me to live easily and effortlessly to whatever comes my way. I am feeling really good about what i am doing, I have found the balance in my life and am working on getting all the levels of my energy field moving in the same direction.
What on earth is she talking about? I hear you ask yourself.
We have four levels of our energy field that we need to think about. The first is our body. What are you doing with your body? Are you moving it enough to keep your lifeforce energy flowing?
The next level is our emotions. What are they telling you about what you are doing with your body and your thoughts?
As you may have guessed, the next level is our thoughts. What are you thinking and does your thinking move you in the right direction?
And finally our soul...this is the direction you should be moving towards? Who are you? Are you living your life as yourself?
All these levels interconnect, which can make life complicated or spectacular, depending on which one you focus on and how you use the knowledge. Knowing who you are on a soul level is a great place to start.
Check out my Soul Realignment Sessions on my website.
This is like having the destination set on your life's GPS. You know what your gifts and talents are, you get a sense of the type of things you should be thinking about when you make choice in your life. For me, the best part of this is knowing who you are not.
Sometimes when we look at other people and see the things they seem to do effortlessly, we can be hard on ourselves. Often, these things are just not part of the makeup of our soul, at least in any big way. I see people who put together communities of people and wish I could do that but in fact, I am better, my soul is better at working one to one with people. This knowledge gave me a great sense of relaxation as I could let go of trying to do it.
Another thing to bear in mind, is that often we miss our divine gifts altogether when we look at our lives ourselves.
As I was told recently, "A jar cannot read it's own label". That is why having a coach or equivalent person in your life is so helpful. They can read your label and shine your light back at you so you can see it.
I will be talking more about this on my Facebook lives this week so make sure you are following Live Life Lightly for tips on how to align with your soul.
Photo by Gio Bartlett on Unsplash